UCEED 2017 Marks and Rank Estimate
This list changes every day. To get the latest list just mail me (virtualciti@yahoo.com) your scorecard (you can blank the roll number if you like, though it does not matter) or just copy paste your score card and also let me know your corrected score as well. In return I shall mail you the most correct marklist of UCEED 2017 on this planet.
UCEED Rank Predictor – This list is compilation based on UCEED 2017 marks of students quoted on various websites as well as my personal resources. Also, these marks may not include revised marks after final correction – so some marks may go up and ranks change. However, I do assume that the list more or less remains the same.
My Estimated Cut offs
IITB – 164-168
IITG – 142-146
IIITDMJ – 130-135
MAJOR ASSUMPTION*: I have drawn out the estimated UCEED 2017 ranks based on an assumption that for every 1 known marks there are 2 people who didn’t post their marks online. So if that multiplier turns out to be 5 this will impact the list dramatically.
Rank NAME MARKS* (based on 3 as multiple)
1 NA 192
4 TP 178
7 MR 177
10 M 171
13 RV 168
16 JP 168 – 2016 IITB 1st Cut off
19 MSS 167 – 2016 IITB Final Cut off
22 G 166
25 RM 165
28 NH 165
31 RS 162
34 RS 162
37 DL 160
40 R 158
43 VG 155
46 NP 155
49 AH 153 – 2016 IITG 1st Cut off
52 KU 150
55 NA 149
58 KAB 148 – 2016 IITG Final Cut off
61 NA 148
64 NA 148
67 KKS 146
70 AP 145
73 NA 144
76 AA 142 – 2016 IIITDMJ 1st Cut off
79 NA 142
82 YRK 142
85 BS 140
88 AS 140
91 PS 140 – 2016 IIITDMJ Final Cut off
1 KU 150
NA SC 94
1 NA 132
1 NA 136
NA NA 120
NA VS 105
115 IIJ 100
118 NM 100
1 KU 150
4 NA 132
7 SC 94
1 NA 136
4 NA 120
7 VS 105
If I change the multiplier to 2.5 then the list would look like this
1 NA 192
4 TP 178
6 MR 177
9 M 171
11 RV 168
14 JP 168
16 MSS 167 – 2016 IITB 1st Cut off
19 G 166 – 2016 IITB Final Cut off
21 RM 165
24 NH 165
26 RS 162
29 RS 162
31 DL 160
34 R 158
36 VG 155
39 NP 155
41 AH 153
44 KU 150
46 NA 149
49 KAB 148 – 2016 IITG 1st Cut off
51 NA 148
54 NA 148
56 KKS 146 – 2016 IITG Final Cut off
59 AP 145
61 NA 144
64 AA 142
66 NA 142
69 YRK 142
71 BS 140
74 AS 140
76 PS 140 – 2016 IIITDMJ 1st Cut off
79 BD 138
81 KKS 137
84 AK 136
86 AA 134
89 RG 133
91 UG 133 – 2016 IIITDMJ Final Cut off
If I change the multiplier to 2 then the list would look like this
1 NA 192
3 TP 178
5 MR 177
7 M 171
9 RV 168
11 JP 168
13 MSS 167
15 G 166
17 RM 165 – 2016 IITB 1st Cut off
19 NH 165 – 2016 IITB Final Cut off
21 RS 162
23 RS 162
25 DL 160
27 R 158
29 VG 155
31 NP 155
33 AH 153
35 KU 150
37 NA 149
39 KAB 148
41 NA 148
43 NA 148
45 KKS 146
47 AP 145
49 NA 144 – 2016 IITG 1st Cut off
51 AA 142
53 NA 142
55 YRK 142
57 BS 140 – 2016 IITG Final Cut off
59 AS 140
61 PS 140
63 BD 138
65 KKS 137
67 AK 136
69 AA 134
71 RG 133
73 UG 133
75 SCP 132 – 2016 IIITDMJ 1st Cut off
77 NA 132
79 AA 132
81 AM 131
83 APS 129
85 S 127
87 SR 126
89 S 124
91 VA 122 – 2016 IIITDMJ Final Cut off