Tagged: student

Raman wins another Yoga Medal 0

Raman wins another Yoga Medal

The highly talented student of BSc II Year won yet another medal for her yoga performances. All students and faculty applaud her consistent striving for perfection. She’s also one of the best at her...

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010 0

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010

Puchon International Student Animation Festival REGULATION PISAF Organizing Committee Office #302 ,Comic Business Center, Korea Manhwa Contents Agency, 529-2 Sang-Dong, Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-Do, 420-030, South Korea Tel : +82 (0)32 325 2061~2 Fax :...

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010 0

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010

Zero Film Festival OPEN CALL FOR ENTRIES Feature Narrative and Documentary films with run time over 45 min. We screen all genres of features: narrative, documentary, narrative/docu blend- including niche genres such as horror...

Arena student wins award at Digicon 0

Arena student wins award at Digicon

We are Proud to announce that ARENA ANIMATION has won an International Award for Student Animation Film. Pls find some details on the Digicon Awards 2009. A Student animation film from Arena Animation Academy...