Tagged: batch

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010 0

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010

Puchon International Student Animation Festival REGULATION PISAF Organizing Committee Office #302 ,Comic Business Center, Korea Manhwa Contents Agency, 529-2 Sang-Dong, Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-Do, 420-030, South Korea Tel : +82 (0)32 325 2061~2 Fax :...

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010 0

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010

Zero Film Festival OPEN CALL FOR ENTRIES Feature Narrative and Documentary films with run time over 45 min. We screen all genres of features: narrative, documentary, narrative/docu blend- including niche genres such as horror...

Arena Chandigarh Academics Team 0

Arena Chandigarh Academics Team

We’ve had a lot of new additions in the Arena Chandigarh Academics Team that we need to show you the entire team. The team has people from NID, Toonz, and of course Arena besides International Experts. Well, our VFX expert Aayush Chopra is missing the Action as he was not well today.