Tagged: 2010

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010 0

PISAF – Deadline September 10, 2010

Puchon International Student Animation Festival REGULATION PISAF Organizing Committee Office #302 ,Comic Business Center, Korea Manhwa Contents Agency, 529-2 Sang-Dong, Wonmi-Gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-Do, 420-030, South Korea Tel : +82 (0)32 325 2061~2 Fax :...

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010 0

Zero Film Festival – Deadline September 1, 2010

Zero Film Festival OPEN CALL FOR ENTRIES Feature Narrative and Documentary films with run time over 45 min. We screen all genres of features: narrative, documentary, narrative/docu blend- including niche genres such as horror...

New VFX Faculty joins from Colombia 0

New VFX Faculty joins from Colombia

Natalia Durango, a Professional in Audio Visual Communication from Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellin, Colombia joined the Chandigarh Centre from 20 June, 2010. An Actress by nature and training, she is excited to...