China Xiamen Animation Film Festival 2010 – Deadline: September 15, 2010
In order to promote the animation industry, approved by the Xiamen City Government, hosted by the Xiamen Municipal Government, organized by Organizing committee of 2010 Xiamen International animation festival, the 2010 Xiamen International animation festival will be held in the city of Xiamen from November 4th-7th, 2010. The events are including the Competition of Cyber Sousa Animation Work, Xiamen Animation Forum, films screening, and some other family-supporting activities such as Animation works and technology exhibition, Cosplay performance and E-sports competition.
While the Competition for Cyber Sousa Animation Work emphasizes the international Animation exchange, it insists on the specialization and international judging standard. Base itself upon domestic and scan widely on the global, it encourages the original works and searches the fresh power, which promotes the development of Chinese Animation Industry harmoniously.
Just a few days left to submit your film at
Deadline entries: 15 September, 2010
How to apply: The entry form for this competition is available at
Please send your films in video-DVD format to Xiamen before 15 September, 2010 to the below address:
Organization Committee of Xiamen International animation festival
608 Floor, Administrative Building, Xiamen Software Park,33 Guanri Road,
Xiamen, 361008 ,China.