Animation Maya, the Arena way
Arena Multimedia the leaders in multimedia training in Asia with a dominant market share in India, have on offer Maya, the most innovative and amiable 3D software for creating state-of-the-art character animation and visual effects built on the next generation advanced architecture. Maya delivers unmatched speed, flexibility and the most intense set of animation and visual effects tools available.
Maya provides an incredibly intuitive and flexible interface, its embedded scripting language allows animators to animate, script and extend virtually anything. Maya’s interface is extremely user-friendly and open to customization.
Character animation in Maya is totally futuristic. Maya creates digital puppets with embedded details and high level controls bringing them to life, and at all stages the creator is in control.
Maya F/X gives the power to create real life simulation for effects, enabling you to create your own version of the sinking of the Titanic, or the explosion of buildings, complete with fire, smoke and other natural elements.
Maya Artisan allows you to lend features in seconds. Objects can be remodeled in 3D as easy as modeling clay; So you could be on your way to creating, your Own “Shrek and the world around him. Maya live helps you integrate live action scenes with the Maya3 environment and create sequences that are simply breathtaking!
Maya Cloth is the breakthrough solution for creating your very own, animated digital digital for your characters. Arena Multimedia now offer training on Maya in Chandigarh. Arena Multimedia centers in Chandigarh is located in Sector 17C. It is one of the first Arena centers in India.
Arena has trained over 1.15 lakh students in a short span and has a range of courses for students across the spectrum. Having provided the largest number of trained multimedia professionals to the industry, Arena Multimedia has partnered with various industry forums such as the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) to increase multimedia popularity and usage in the country and abroad.